Sumaiya Shimu joins The Asia Foundation Talk Show on gender equality and positive male role modeling

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On 10 December 2020, Sumaiya Shimu joined The Asia Foundation Bangladesh Talk Show on gender equality and positive male role modeling. The talk show was a part of The Asia Foundation program ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment through Strengthening Market Systems (WEESMS)’ implemented by the Asia Foundation and iDE with financial assistance from the Embassy of Sweden. Sumaiya Shimu discussed persistent sexist views broadcasted through media and advertising, and the role of media leaders can play to combat VAW. She emphasized on media literacy to prevent sexist views subtly expressed through advertisements.

Professor Raasheed Mahmood
Dept. of Anthropology
University of Dhaka

Issue: Academic insights into how to understand patriarchy during pandemic when many of the men are jobless. Why challenge harmful gender norms and emphasize that there is no single definition of what it means to be a woman or to be a man

Sumaiya Shimu
Actor | Founder & Chairman, Better Future for Women

Issue: Advocate for an end to the dissemination of sexist views through media and advertising, and role of media leaders to combat VAW

Principal Khandaker Fakhrul Anam
President, We Can Alliance, Rangpur

Issue: Regional and sub-national experiences and challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and employees in navigating Gender based Violence. Reinforcing male role models to empower women economically and support them in assuming decision-making positions in society.

Fawzia Karim Firoze
Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh

 Issue: Need of judicial systems to promptly respond to violence against women particularly during COVID-19 pandemic, good practices in being adaptive to implement policy guidelines in restrictive environment (e.g: continue allowing applications for protective measures through remote and electronic modalities).